Dr. Celia
Celia is a registered Jungian Sandplay Practitioner and Teacher-Consultant, as well as a Board Member of the Association for Sandplay Therapy (AST). With her AST-approved online Curriculum she trains many mental health practitioners in South Africa in their journey to become registered sandplay therapists with the Association for Sandplay Therapy (AST). She also acts as AST-consultant for practitioners and therapists globally.
Celia completed her Doctoral Degree in Mental Health Counselling in November 2015.
She is also a registered Natural Medicine and Herbal Practitioner and a Mental-Health Counsellor.
Dr Celia counsels therapy clients at her sandplay practice in Cape Town, South Africa, where she has a clientele ranging from children to adults.
She believes profound healing comes from within when a client’s process is witnessed and held in loving kindness, compassion and with the deepest of respect.
Celia van Wyk enjoys her work and goes about it with love and passion.
“My goal is to help every client reach his or her unique capacity to become the best person he or she can be without the feeling of ‘being in therapy’.”
Jungian Sandplay is a form of mostly non-verbal psychotherapy used with adults and children.
The client creates his or her own 3-dimensional picture with miniature figures in a sandtray, according to their own preference, in the presence of a trained practitioner.
There are no rules on how or what to build, and the choice is free to use whatever one feels to use in the sand, in whatever way.
A series of sandplay sessions is called a process, and analysis by the practitioner is only performed at the end of such a process.
The work re-produced in sandplay is a representation through symbols of the deep inner psychic world of a client, via access of the right hemisphere of the brain, bypassing the rationality of the left hemisphere functions.
The right hemisphere guides the selection and placement of images and symbols the client chooses from the figurine collection available in the sand room.
When a client works in the sand, his psyche begins to work at a point of arrest, for instance past trauma. From here on the process develops and healing starts to take place.
Jungian Sandplay is one of the most powerful forms of psychotherapy when practised by a well trained and experienced clinician.
Sandplay obtains wonders with children and adults. A child’s self image and confidence improves, and he may challenge himself with enthusiasm to enjoy life and obtain good perspective.
Sandplay works in a process of aspects that is addressed gently without threats, stress, expectations and control. Therefore, the body is allowed to transform at it’s own pace.
Sandplay is an excellent medium for treatment of trauma and early childhood wounding, as well as a vast array of other clinical presentations, including depression, anxiety disorders and much more. Sandplay also assists in the development of good self-esteem, strong personality assets and establishment of sound life skills. Sandplay assists in development of the psyche through a natural healing process, where external verbal input is limited.
Sandplay is for adults, teenagers and children.
Sandplay Training
Become a Registered Sandplay Therapist in South Africa with the Association for Sandplay Therapy (AST)
Sandplay is for adults and children. Jungian Sandplay acts as a healing psychotherapy method offering clients a non-intrusive and deeper way of addressing trauma and providing for healthy integration of the fracturing impact of such trauma. Emotional issues are presented as grief, fears, phobias, low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, enuresis, stuttering, selective mute issues, academic performance, relationship issues, and much more.
What will the Training Involve?
• Training will cover 25 x 3-hour online sessions – spread over roughly twice per month (75 hours in total) & 2 x weekend practical sessions (45 hours) in Cape Town.
• You will receive all the theoretical training required for AST registration, which will include topics such as Introduction to Sandplay Therapy; Jungian Psychology; Neuroscience in Sandplay; Use of Symbols in Sandplay; Understanding & Tracking the Process of Sandplay; Studying of real Cases; Working with Children & Adults in Sandplay; Myths & Stories in Sandplay; Alchemy & much more …….
Furtermore, participants will, in addition to this course work, be required to have 15 Personal Sandplay sessions (in person) with a Registered Sandplay Therapist (excluding 6 sessions that are included in the training; thus 21 sessions required in total); and 50 online Hours of Consultation.
Please refer to our AST website for full certification requirements.